Friday, September 19, 2008

Brauch Family Football

Just a reminder that our games this weekend will have live audio and video feed at . We are 'Lil Rams Football. Micah will be cheering at the Black games at 10:00am and 11:30am. Zack will be playing on the Gold Junior team at 1:00pm. Tune in and watch them go.

They will be making up last weekend's games. I'll let you know when they webcast them.

Love y'all
The Brauchs

1 comment:

Mjoen Family said...

Hi! We weren't around to check out the game. How did they do? Is this his first year playing? Maddie plays Volleyball. I will have to scan her picture and get it up on the page soon. This is her 3rd year playing. They've won 2 lost 1 so far.

:) Crystal