Monday, December 22, 2008

Maddie's Christmas Program

The Newburg School Christmas Program was nice... it gets a little lengthy (2 hours)... but they have K-12 singing and band. Maddie is in the Girls Choir and High School Choir.


It astounds me that in the 1800's, when insulation, electricity and furnaces weren't what they are today.... some crazy Norwegian's decided to stay and live here! And what amazes me even more is that after that first winter, they didn't pack up and move south! It's been below zero for.... too long already. And the snow keeps coming! Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December Birthdays

We have lots of December birthdays. If I forgot anyone let me know.

Carolyn Mjoen 12/10
Lisa Willis 12/11
Sandy Spencer 12/14
Gerry Brauch 12/19
Symphony Davis 12/21
Cooper Spencer 12/25

Happy Birthday to all our December Birthdays!!!